The map of the site:

This site is dedicated to the heritages of the SAINTONGE area located now mainly in  the Charente Maritime

the charente maritimethe charente maritime's logoSaintonge : mitre of Holly Eutrope bishops of SAINTES  and flowers of lily for royalty -

 The main topic is Romanesque Art since each village had or has a church dated century XII th ; the sculptures and capitals or modillions 

of which are jewels.

 Discover the "Romanesque Art in SAINTONGE".

Then "Pictures of SAINTONGE" shows others heritages.

"GOULEBENEZE" is our most famous bard , as an evidence it's not  French language ....

"Veillée"is like a winter evening around the fire place with sketches, songs and dances



Back" Pictures of Saintonge"
Back "Romanesque art in Saintonge"
